Fratelli Pozzoni
The Fratelli Pozzoni is the historical company of the group. The registered and administrative address is in Cisano Bergamasco and its activity concerns 5 sites each specialized in the following productions:
CONTINUOUS FORMS (FANFOLD)– site in Cisano Bergamasco
Fratelli Pozzoni has been one of the first companies in Europe to print the continuous form. The development of personal computers and printers in the sixties determined an increasing expansion of the sites belonging to the group. Pozzoni developed and varied the types of products in order to be able to satisfy any Customer’s demand.
SECURITY PRINTING – site in Cisano Bergamasco
Pozzoni is the Italian biggest commercial security printer with more than 60 years of experience.
Today Banks, Financial Institutions, Governments and Commercial Organizations consider Pozzoni a point of reference.We create the graphic studio of the product from the very beginning (initial concept) or we can cooperate with the customer design agency in order to add the security elements into the artworks (we can add elements like guilloche, numismatic and many others created with specific security software). We offer a wide range of security solutions from watermark to printed features, from inks to holograms. These solutions can include Intaglio Printing, laser microdrilling technology, full personalisation of documents, secure storage in our vault (a real private “caveau” built inside our site), distribution and pick and pack.
BUSINESS COMMUNICATION - sites in Cisano Bergamasco (BG) and Beverate di Brivio (LC)
Pozzoni is one of the most “equipped” firms in this area. We can create documents from the beginning and with the most advanced software technologies, we can print laser black/white or full color or also with ink jet technology. The entire productive process is well supervised and all the information are stored in a data base which gives our Customer the possibility to monitor all the different activities (printing, enclosing, delivery etc).
DIRECT MARKETING – sites in Cisano Bergamasco (BG), Beverate di Brivio (LC)
Pozzoni’s Direct Marketing Division is in continuous growth according to the changes of the market. We can create bespoke solutions for any customer’s communication campaign. We have the technology and the expertise to fulfill any printing request.
SHEET-FED OFFSET - site in Filago
The Pozzoni Group is a reference point concerning quality and a competitiveness also in the sheet-fed offset .Thanks to the capacity of our machines, we can print up to 300.000 sheets 5 colours per day. Moreover every machine has its “back-up” in case one is out of order.